I enjoy Gareth's quizzes and his approach. It is intimate, there is a decent picture round, and likewise a General knowledge round, which have a prize each, but you can't win both (good idea). The food fills a little gap, and there is no skim, the entry money goes into a play your cards right, which is a real plus for the set up.
Visited: Mon 5 January 2015
Very busy pub, but unsatisfying as a quiz for the aficionado, with far too many gimmies. Superb fish pie though!
Visited: Wed 7 January 2015
Customer run quiz, with the winning score being 24 out of 25, it is unsatisfying and unchallangeing, but there's no skim and there is some food, so its a nice night out , but it's no more a quiz than shooting fish in a barrel is Heart Of The Sea
Visited: Thu 8 January 2015
The pub which has inspired me to reactivate my quiz reviews!
I would definitely rather have a Red Tooth quiz than 90% of the home cobbled stuff you generally get (Notwithstanding the best quizzes are bespoke). Absolutely gorgeous pub, with free food you really would not be unhappy to pay a fiver for. The nature of the quiz is such that anybody can have a go, and I have come round to the family fortunes format in small doses. There are a few throw away questions, but all in all, well worth the visit whatever your quiz standard, and, super staff to boot.
That i didn't give it a '10' is a good thing for most people. It loses a mark for me being snotty and wanting all testing questions, whereas most people want some stuff they can get. Which is what this quiz gives you
Visited: Tue 6 January 2015
Michelle, the landlady of 25 years now cracks on through a load of mainly half decent questions and manages to give a gallon away during the short session. The questions are, I am sure, downloaded, but they are a deal meatier than one expects, consequently much better for the quizologist. It would be nice to have a prize for the most correct answers, and it does seem a little rushed (That is a rare thing for me to say!)
Visited: Sun 11 January 2015