Outside the Ship and Mitre, LiverpoolLightSpeed Individual Open Buzzer Quiz 2015

Round 2: Ship and Mitre, Liverpool, Saturday 23rd May

Something special happened. Three new players turned up and all of a sudden there was a step change in the standard. On a personal level I ended up with a score of minus two on my first game, whilst the Rookies lit up the room, with early wins for Ashton Davies and Jack Bennett, sending a very clear message to the more experienced competitors. Sam Roberts battened down the hatches and played the most focused three games I have seen from a player, with some remarkable buzzing, superb knowlege and, above all, a serenity and control which I have never seen before from the guy. I tell you it is frantic out there, but Sam nailed it and won by five clear points. Never has a win been better earned.

The introduction of Jack and Ashley into the mix has made me think I should drink less and revise more.

The standard of question setting keeps rising, we had six sets today, and I am sure each LSQ reaches a new benchmark.

Whilst Sam kept his distance from the field the second place battle was remarkable. You had to be there!

There was no Oscars special, that'll roll over to Durham next month.

Here is a summary of the scores.

LightSpeed Quiz 2015 Round 2 from the Ship & Mitre, Liverpool, results and standings

To Do List

  • Engrave plaques
  • Get there earlier and leave later
  • Get a director
  • Get sounds on laptop for the buzzers
  • Have an award for question of the day and answer of the day
  • Work out formats for different numbers

    I am very much of the mind that we should have won scratch qualifying game at each event, to get players a place in an end of year final, and to continue to play games like we do now

    Next Event: Sunday, Jun 21st, Midsummer Special, The Salutation, Durham

    Please come along and join us Join The LightSpeed Facebook group

    Steve Kidd Signature

    Sam Roberts