HalifaxLightSpeed Individual Open Buzzer Quiz 2015, Newsletter 10

Tournament 5: London Championsips at Dirty Dick's Halifax (again), Sunday 27th September

Please join in the best open filmed quiz in the country, click here

OK, I know it's not actually in London, but that's a long story and I don't wanna talk about it, and sorry I have not put up an event page for this until 10 seconds before it starts (facebook makes me sloppy), but whatever... here it is.

It will be a 12 o'clock start, so that Halifax can celebrate Ruby's birthday, speaking of which, entry will be six quid (and the extra quid is not to buy Chris Curtis a birthday present)

In a change of format there will be eight 'genre' rounds of 30 questions each for the official tournament and medal

  1. Arts, Architecture, Food, Language and Literature
  2. Celebrity, Crime, Current, Business, Fashion, Froth and Lore
  3. Film, Radio, TV and Theatre
  4. Geography
  5. History, Biography, Myth, Politics
  6. Science, Maths, Nature, Technology
  7. Sport, Games and Pastimes
  8. Music

There will be a special, with a medal, on 'Irish counties, county-towns and provinces', or at least the answers will contain their names

I hope Jack has set a special so I can compete, and anybody else who wants to bring a friendly set, we will try to get them in.

Other stuff

The Curse Of LightSpeed has struck yet again with Michael and Clive (last month's #1 and #2) winning the Punch Tavern's national pub quiz and £2,000. Pretty awesome guys!

I am preparing the calendar for next year. It is, at this moment, absolutely provisional (I am open to going anywhere, especially Ireland), but I am so stoked about bringing back QU12 alongside LSQ, which, if you have not done it before, is absolutely awesome. If we could take ten minutes to discuss the calendar, the format change and ideas on Sunday, that would be ace.

Sunday 31 January Rochdale
Sunday 28 February North Sea
Sunday 27 March Newcastle
Sunday 24 April Halifax
Sunday 29 May Wales??
Sunday 26 June Stockton-on-Tees (Post QITN?)
Sunday 31 July Scotland??
Sunday 28 August London
Sunday 25 September Liverpool
Sunday 30 October Manchester
Sunday 20 November Oxford
Sunday 11 December Pontefract

I am introducing a screen so you can watch your scores and buzzes as they happen, and I have a much better four-camera set up which will, hopefully, make even better films (the road to hell is paved with good intentions). I reckon that 15 people is about the limit.

Note to self:- Introduce a medal for the net winner as well as the scratch champ on each tournament