Winter is comingLightSpeed Individual Open Buzzer Quiz 2015, Newsletter 12

Tournament 6: Irish Championsips at the Cemetery, Rochdale, Saturday 24th October

Please join in the best open filmed quiz in the country, click here

OK, I know it's not actually in Ireland, but that's a long story and I don't wanna talk about it, and sorry I have not put up an event page for this until 10 seconds before it starts (facebook makes me sloppy), but whatever... here it is.

It will be a 1 o'clock start, entry will be five quid

We are playing standard rotating question masters, looking like 25 questions each will do the trick

There will be a special, with a medal, on 'FA Cup winning teams and towns', or at least the answers will contain their names

I thought the best set last month was Michael McPartland's 50, so keep those friendly sets coming as well.

New this month