The Leeds University Challenge Team 2002 - By Steve Kidd

4: Round 2 v Nottingham - Denoument

Paxman: "Wrong, lose 5"

Looking back I suppose it would be tempting to decorate the moment with a liberal dose of artistic licence, but apart from time running in peculiar directions, warps opening up in the continuum swallowing huge chunks of nine dimensional space, dramatic orchestral crescendo and abrupt, absolute, silence, it was just another Sunday morning in my quiet mountain town.

That tiny lepidopterous (?!) entity of hope that had somehow been allowed to escape into Granada studios twenty three days earlier, given the luxury of distorted temporal reality, spiralled delicately from its concealment in the rafters before a transfixed and riveted audience. Only perhaps Paxman understood the true meaning of its descent, while the gathered multitude reverently witnessed the miracle. It alighted on my button..

Roger: "Leeds, Kidd"

Leeds, Kidd: (In a distant strangled whisper) "Rhea?"

I remember something else about wormwood and absinthe, another five points, then the gong and that the words jaws, snatch, defeat and victory never sprang to mind. Until now ..

My emotions were mixed, because I identified with the Nottingham guys. They'll have their chances, and good luck to 'em. They were the most gracious competitors in the most severe circumstances and will have gained from the experience.

As for us - marching on together. The next round is October, right in the middle of the busiest period of my last year.

Thanks to all our supporters.

I hate overly formatted web pages but

yes! yes! yes! yes! yes!

Footnote: Up to the beginning of this season there have only been 6 games as close since 1995

1995 1st round Brasenose 185 Trinity, C 190
1996 2nd round Selwyn 225 Middlesex 220
1997 2nd round Glamorgan 155 St Andrews 150
1998 1st round Exeter 175 Robinson, C 180
1999 1st round Balliol 195 Durham 200
1999 Quarter finals Open 240 Birkbeck 235

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